What’s new in Vue 3.0?

Vue 3.0


Vue 3.0, a planned update to the JavaScript framework for developing web user interfaces, is progressing towards general release. In other words, Vue 3.0 is at its 10th edition alpha. The introduction of Vue.js promises major improvements to the results. Both the API and the Vue 3 core implementation have stabilized with the release candidate stage.

However, the main changes in Vue 3.0 are in:

  • Speed 
  • Size
  • Maintainability
  • Targeting Native
  • Ease Of Use

Vue 3.0 release Highlights

  • The Vue 3.0 features a rewritten virtual DOM and compiler informed fast paths for better performance
  • Rendering on the server-side is two to three times faster, based on benchmarks that simulate typical scenarios. Component initialization is more efficient, and performance updates are improving as well.
  • Tree-shaking, which reduces the size of the output file and increases performance overall. Also, Vue features such as the v-model directive for two ways of binding data.
  • The Composition API featured in Vue 3.0, which allows for the modular composition of the logic and reuse components.
  • The Vue.js 3.0 codebase is written in TypeScript with auto-generating type descriptions, and a TypeScript and JavaScript API that is identical.
  • Explorative SFC type-check
  • A Custom Renderer API, which is designing to integrate with the NativeScript framework.
  • A Fragment function designing to resolve a problem where multiple root components are not permitted.

Composition API and TypeScript

Now, the Composition API is built into the kit and can be used without any extra configuration. Better organization and sharing the code are the two main advantages of Composition API. Also, the Composition API provides stronger support for TypeScript. Bindings returned from setup() will result in better form inferences and props declarations used to infer types.


In conclusion, the Vue.js framework aims to allow the creation of more testable, maintainable interfaces for web users. Vue 3 is with lots of fresh and beautiful apps. The integrated design would significantly affect the production flow in future applications. With great support for TypeScript, they offer a simple way to organize and share code. Besides, the Framework is responsible for updating any section of a web page where the data is using.