WordPress 5.7 : Big ol’ jQuery Update

WordPress 5.7


WordPress core is updating from jQuery 1.12.4 to jQuery 3.5.1(WordPress 5.7). This is important for several reasons, including new features, enhanced DX, and security upgrades, to name a few. WordPress is well-known for its backward compatibility, and this update may be considered a relic of that ideology. When it comes to jQuery, a line has been drawn in the sand, and 1.x is not in the plans for the future. However, it also marks a game-changing move, which is unusual in the WordPress community. Since WordPress comes pre-installed with jQuery, many developers tend to use that version rather than re-installing it elsewhere. This involves several themes and extension developers, who must now ensure that their code is compliant with jQuery 3.x. The move has been in the works for quite some time. WordPress 5.5 was the starting point for the project, and 5.7 is theoretically the third of three stages.

In WordPress 5.6, the Core Team upgraded jQuery to version 3.5.1 and revised jQuery Migrate to assist users in reverting to legacy jQuery if required. To put it another way, this has been a very methodical strategy.

What is jQuery? Why update?

jQuery is a JavaScript library. Many WordPress functionalities are based on jQuery, and many WordPress developers configure jQuery with their own themes and plugins.

WordPress has been using an old edition of jQuery for many years. WordPress 5.7 will contain a jQuery update with a slew of new functionality. It would be more stable and effective as a result of the upgrade. However, this ensures that certain features on your site can not perform as expected. This fix has been in the works for the last few WordPress updates.

jQuery Update

The jQuery upgrade is one of the most essential changes in WordPress 5.7. WordPress will upgrade jQuery with their new release, and they will make a significant leap from jQuery v1.12.4 to v3.5.1. They had a more recent version of jQuery, but the fallback and obsolete features remained. It will no longer be the case after this. This is critical in terms of pace and security. However, even with the positives, there are certain pitfalls that await you if you do not pay attention. Some of your plugins/themes, for example, that rely on older versions of jQuery, may cause problems.

Aside from the advantages, there are several drawbacks to consider before implementing the latest jQuery update. As we all know, several themes and plugins want to use the old edition of jQuery since it is compliant with this version. However, with the new release, an updated version of jQuery will be including, and upgrading your CMS to the most recent WordPress version may cause your site to crash. Before you upgrade your site, make sure all your plugins/themes have revised their code and added support for the latest version of jQuery.

How should you prepare your site?

You don’t have to be a developer to make sure the website is ready for the jQuery upgrade. Here are a few steps you should take to get ready for WordPress 5.7 :

Familiarize yourself with the changes:

jQuery has released a detailed maintenance guide, which contains a section on the jQuery Migrate plugin and how to use it for testing.

Set up a testing site:

Before installing WordPress 5.7, evaluate it in a secure development environment. This can be done in : 

  • Build a subdomain, such as test.your-site.com, and replicate your site on it.
  • Make a local edition of your site for testing. Local is just a term for running your website on your computer rather than a live server. MAMP and Local by Flywheel are two outstanding choices.

The best way to avoid bugs is by testing the upgrade before downloading it on your live website. This move would keep you from unintentionally destroying your website while downloading.

Use the Enable jQuery Migration Helper:

This plugin was created by the WordPress team in order to find possible problems ahead of time. You can even restore the domain to an earlier edition of jQuery if the new version creates problems. This plugin is merely a workaround. It is not supposed to be a long-term workaround that helps you continue using an older jQuery version. Consider it a patch to detect problems and temporarily uninstall the new jQuery if necessary. The plugin introduces a helper to the WordPress admin bar that shows warnings about possible problems on every website you are browsing.

Contact your theme and plugin developers:

If you find problems with your theme or plugins when checking your web, contact the developers who developed such plugins to alert them. You will do that by creating a new thread in the WordPress.org help network. This is to report the problem or enter a current thread to let them know you’re having the same problem.

Whether not updating is risky to your site?

The forthcoming upgrade means that WordPress is using the most recent edition of the JavaScript library known as jQuery. It refers to the accessibility of the website. jQuery simplifies some coding/programming activities involved with creating and upgrading websites. jQuery wraps many typical activities that involve many lines of JavaScript code into methods that can be called with a single line of code. WordPress has usually come pre-installed with an earlier version of jQuery. WordPress version 5.7 will have a modified version of jQuery. Once you update your site to 5.7, any current themes or plugins depend on legacy versions of jQuery that encounter problems.

WordPress plugin and theme developers can need to update their code to use the latest version of jQuery. To encourage sites to continue using an older version of jQuery, install the Enable jQuery Migration Helper plugin. It works similarly to a patch in that it detects bugs and temporarily disables the most recent iteration of jQuery if you need to upgrade plugins and themes. If you detect an error, the migration helper plugin can downgrade a site to a legacy version of jQuery. This plugin, however, can not be sustained permanently and is not a long-term solution.

One of the most significant advantages of WordPress is that it is free software. You must upgrade WordPress codes on a daily basis to keep the protection and application code up to date. It is better to upgrade so that you can prevent yourself from hackers. 

Bottom Line 

WordPress 5.7 is a significant release that necessitates any effort on your side. But it’s worth it: this upgrade significantly improves WordPress and the stability of your site. The WordPress team has taken precautions to ensure that it runs as smoothly as possible. To have WordPress 5.7, go to the Dashboard > Updates menu in the admin section of your site.

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